Celebrating the 7th Bloggiversary

Life should not only be lived,

it should be celebrated.

– Osho


Hello, hola, salut everyone!

I must apologize for being absent for sometime but you’ll soon find out why in an upcoming post as well as update.

Worry not, all is so good on my side of the planet and I hope you are doing well too.

Today, March 2nd 2018, is a very special day as I’m celebrating the 7th Bloggiversary!


Wordpress, wordpress anniversary notification


How is it possible that this blog you are reading has lasted this long? 🙂

It’s unbelievable how far I’ve come and how much has been accomplished since its humble beginnings back in 2011.

What started out as a hobby slowly turned into a profession which I have been so passionate about, otherwise it wouldn’t exist until this day.

I worked very hard, spent endless hours, had little sleep, made so many fantastic connections and best of all? I received so many blessings and life-changing opportunities I didn’t expect but certainly appreciate it.

I owe it all to YOU dear readers.

You are in over 185 countries worldwide, speak multiple languages and we have connected on one or several social media profiles.

It’s been a pleasure for me to learn more about you and your lives. Thank you so much for confiding in me and asking for my honest opinion!

You know that I want what’s best for you and wish you nothing but goodness for you and yours 🙂

Time will tell where this road leads.

I’m really happy and proud of everything that we’ve been through and I’m absolutely positive that the best days of our lives are yet to come!

In the meantime, I wanted to sincerely say the following:

Thank you in many languages. From English to Chinese, there are many ways to give thanks :)

I hope to continue informing, educating, entertaining and sharing with you some of my best adventures and oh those misadventures that never seem to end but quite frankly, what would life be without them? 🙂

If there is anything I can do for you, don’t be afraid to reach out to me.

I’ll be back soon with new posts, reviews and giveaways, so get ready!

Now that I’ve come out of hibernation and extended long break, tell me what is happening on your end.

Until next time.

Tashi delek, todo lo mejor!

Kay 🙂