Very Inspiring Blogger Award

very inspiring blogger award

The awards season is indeed in full swing.

As incredible as it may seem, I received a double nomination for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award!

I’m so honored and flattered and I accept it with so much pleasure.

I bow in gratitude to @WayfaringAngela and @LLeiGhh.

To view Angela’s nomination click here and Leigh’s is found here.

I initially created my blog to keep my friends and family members updated on my adventures as well as daily life in South Korea.

Little did I know that people would notice it and spread the word.  2 years later, it has gone above and beyond my expectations!

I’m not a professional blogger and have not yet made my transition to a full travel website but I am working towards it.

They say that good things come to those who wait right?

Well, since I started I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to write guest posts for some important travel websites such as National Geographic, GotSaga, Travel & Transitions, Jetpac and Fortylicious.

I’m always improving my writing and hope to work with travel magazines & websites and  travel all over the world of course 😉

All of this would not be possible without the incredible support and encouragement received from the blogging community.

Great friendships have also developed through the past year and I hope to keep it that way for a long time to come!

To sum things up, I can say all the hard work, time, dedication and perseverance have really paid off.

If I have inspired any of you dear readers, then it means that I am on the right track.

Enjoying reading my adventures through posts & photos and thank you so much for being there.

If there is any way I can help let me know, I will do my best!

Now let me share 7 random facts:

1. My favorite song is”Iris” by the Goo Goo Dolls. I love that song like you have no idea!

2. I totally believe in past lives. I had a past life regression and saw myself living in Germany, Spain and Italy, it was so real. No wonder why I felt right at home the 1st time I visited those countries and that is probably the reason why I find myself speaking the language as a native!

3. Whenever I fly I always get the window seat without asking.

4. I am a chameleon. I have been told I look Asian, Native American or Maori when I’m actually Latin American.

5. The longest letter I ever wrote was 25 double-sided pages.

6. I love Formula 1 racing, the Ferrari team but especially Fernando Alonso who is my favorite driver. He’s my platonic love 🙂

7.  I’m quite a passionate football (NFL) & soccer fan (Barça). Kind of embarrassed to say this but I can swear or curse beautifully in 5 languages! Yes I get carried away 😉

Now it’s time to pass on the torch and recognize other peers.

These are the Very Inspiring Bloggers I nominate and hope they’ll accept the award.

They are inspiring for so many reasons.

I admire their outlook on life, work, talent and they allow me to see more of the world than I could through their amazing photos.

They also make me want to become a better blogger, writer, photographer and person.

Much love to you all xo

  1. Ninasafiri
  2. Ardun Ward Photography
  3. A Niche World
  4. Eat, Travel, Photograph
  5. The World of Cupcakes
  6. West Coast Kayaker
  7. Too Mutch for Words
  8. Ad-lib traveller
  9. A Global Affair
  10. The Palladian Traveler
  11. Global Grazers
  12. Breath of green air
  13. Ese’s voice
  14. The Cultureur
  15. Road Tripping Europe

Award Acceptance Rules:

1. Copy and place the award in your post.
2.  Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
3.  Tell 7 things about yourself.
4.  Nominate 15 bloggers for the award and tell them by posting a comment on their blogs.

Have fun!

All the best, Tashi Delek

L♥ve always,

Kay 🙂

Related posts:

Liebster Blog Award

Adventurous Blogger Award

29 thoughts on “Very Inspiring Blogger Award

  1. Pingback: Adventurous Blogger Award | Traveller soul

  2. Pingback: Liebster Blog Award | Traveller soul

  3. Pingback: [Awards] Very Inspiring Blogger | The Cultureur

  4. Pingback: Shucks, Folks, I’m being singled out Again | The Palladian Traveler

    • That is an awesome post Tom!

      Ha ha so sorry I made you turn the color of a pomodoro but hey, honor to whom honor is due 😉

      I loved learning so much more about you!

      Love #1, can’t believe somehow you blend in with the Seinfeld cast ;), you totally have to go to #3, would love to do more of #5 and congratulations on #7!

      That photo is already, wow, amazing…where did you take it?

      No worries about tweeking the award rules (because after all rules are made to be broken 😉

      Keep up the great work!

      Best regards,

      Kay 🙂

  5. Pingback: The Versatile Blogger Award | Traveller soul

  6. Pingback: A Wise Person is One Who Says ‘Thank You’, Pt. 2 | Too Mutch For Words

  7. Pingback: Very Inspiring Blog Award | The World of Cupcakes

  8. Pingback: Very Inspring Blogger Award | GeoFoodie

  9. Pingback: Very Inspiring Blogger Award - UK travel blog

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